The whole process is tutorial-like: drop your files → preview them → decide what should be done with them → select output format → view the result. The UX changes followed one goal: to make data processing even easier. After viewing your files, you can optionally continue with processing. The viewer shows you also things which are stored in the headers like EPSG code, resolution in pixels, and geolocation information (if they are present).
#Maptiler desktop pro#
The PRO edition can display footprints of multiple files composing a mosaic and one by one, you can view the content of each file. You can view tiled MBTiles and GeoPackages, but also browse through files which are not (yet) tiled like TIFF, PDF, JPEG, PNG, and even more exotic file formats like MrSID, ECW, JPEG2000, and others. If the extension is associated with MapTiler Desktop, it directly opens the preview mode where you can see your map, zoom in and out, or view a footprint of your file on top of a basemap. MapTiler Desktop 11 made previewing your data as easy as double-clicking on your file.

Moreover, with the new user flow, you can start using MapTiler Desktop as a viewer for your geodata. The already easy to use interface was made even easier and the wizard will guide you like in a tutorial.

After a year of heavy development, we release the 11th version of our data-into-maps converting software MapTiler Desktop.